UC Berkeley ATDP SD3772 - Summer 2017
Course Description

The course is designed to give students an overview of diverse engineering disciplines—mechanical, electrical, and civil—in order to find out what engineers actually do. Students will see the difference between “science” as the discovery of new knowledge and “engineering” as the uses of that knowledge in new environments. Students will practice their own engineering skills, finding out how things work in the real world through various projects and hands-on activities. The course will emphasize creative and analytical problem solving, hands-on building activities, design, and teamwork.

Time And Place
Tue / Thur 1:00 - 4:30 pm
Location TBA
Office Hours
Office hour locations for the week will be announced via piazza and the announcement page.
TBA (Jennifer)
TBA (Kuldeep)

Jennifer Hsu
Office hours: TBA

Kuldeep Bista
Office hours: TBA


For students completing Grade 7 or 8. No prior engineering experience is needed although exposures to programming, circuits, and mechanical designs are a plus.

The primary source for the course will be the website, lectures, and section. Suggested supplementary reading and resources will be posted on the course readings page. The following textbooks are recommended, but optional, resources for you in this course and beyond:
Discussion Boards

We are using Piazza for course communication. Here is a link to the UC Berkeley ATDP Introduction to Engineering Piazza website .

Projects and Exams

Homework. Students will complete one homework assignment every week. Homework can be turned in via Google form or printed and turned in by the start of every class on assigned due dates.

Projects. Students will complete four programming assignments. These assignments will be completed individually/ in groups (to be announced in class).

Final Project.

Quizes. There will be ____ quizes throughout the course. Date of quizzes will be announced both during class and in the anouncements.


Late days. Each student has three late-day points for the semester.

  • Late days apply to homework only (not the projects nor final project)
  • You can extend a programming assignment deadline by 24 hours using one point.
  • If you do not have remaining late days, late hand-ins will incur a 10% penalty per day.
Hardware and Software

Many assignments will be done via IPython. Please have this installed on your computer. IPython can be installed through this link. If you have any troubles with installing IPython, consult one of your instructors.


Special thanks to Kayvon Fatahalian for the template for the course website.